Sunday, February 21, 2010

Walking and swimming

I love walking. I only manage a mile twice a week right now because my ankle hurts for the next couple of days, but it feels great to be outside breathing the air, walking at my own pace with my iPod--I love to make special playlists with songs that are the perfect tempo--and my shades on so I don't have to engage with people. It also gets me out of the office, which is great. Sometimes I feel like my energy sinks down along with my posture in that office chair as the work day meanders on. I worked yesterday and had an epic case of the drag-ass, but forced myself to walk about a mile in the middle of my shift. My energy level definitely improved. I was still dragging toward the end of the day, but nowhere near as badly as I would have had I not gone out and walked.

I bought a bathing suit online--it was still a little too small in that annoying way where it fits, but I can't stand the way it looks for another ten pounds or so. (This applies to a lot of my clothes right now!) I'm saving it to use later and shopping for another. I found out I can hit a lap swim on the way to work on weekdays. Actual classes are all inconveniently scheduled, but fortunately, I love to swim laps.

I actually prefer to exercise alone. While I enjoy a nice walk with a friend, I like to set my own pace. I'm my only competition, and if you ask me, that's the way it should be when it comes to this--at least for me.

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Seattle, WA, United States
This blog focuses largely on a personal journey to and through weight-loss surgery. It's also about reading, writing, animals, photography, love, humor, music, thinking out loud, and memes. In other
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